Friday, 23 April 2010

No bottom, No fat, No guilt!!!

No bottom, No fat, No guilt; the slogan that came with my Nando's fat free frozen yoghurt... the first time I've allowed myself dessert for a long time... and I didn't feel guilty. OK so it wasn't a big slab of cheesecake but hey, one step at a time.
All seems to be going well so far.
I've stuck to my weightwatchers and am eating a surprising amount (because its all healthy food)
What's more ED has been kicked out the door (well at least into the back garden) because I have something else to concentrate my energies on.
I haven't used numbers (other than the points) and I haven't weighed myself!
Looking at my little tracker of the food I've eaten over the last few days, I realise I've allowed myself more food than I normally do, and I feel a lot more awake and healthy.
BUT... most of all I feel slimmer, I feel how I did when I joined weightwatchers for the first time (before ED)
I'M IN CONTROL.... it feels so great to say that.
I have been in the gym everyday but it's been healthy exercise not working myself to exhaustion for 3.5 hours at a time.
BF has joined the gym too so spurs me on whilst also secretly (he thinks) keeping an eye on me.
Definitely the best move I've made in a while and such a contrast to how I was feeling this time last week... I just hope it lasts and I'm determined to stick to it and go for a twice monthly weigh in even once I hit my goal weight again.
I'd recommend it to anyone who not only wants to lose a few pounds but, especially for people with ED because it gives you back the control by focusing your mind on other things.
.... Baby Steps!!!
Gecko x


I Hate to Weight said...

are you in england? i had to look up "stone". always interesting to learn something new.

i'm glad this is working so well for you. it sounds like it actually makes things easier. it really is good for me to see. more and more, i think a plan would help me.

your blog is interesting -- it has a unique spin. you have and you're looking to lose weight in a healthy way. do i have this right?

look forward to hearing more.

I Hate to Weight said...

oops. i meant to say that you have an ED and you're looking to lose weight in a healthy way.

i am over-tired. going thru a nasty period of insomnia. everything i say and write is a little...well, tired.

Gecko said...

Yes it either rather unique/strange haha.
I started losing weight the first time (when i lost a large amount) and that is what started my ED. Now the best way I can describe it is a battle between my 'self' that knows I should just eat healthy and not worry too much and be sensible and the destructive 'self' with the ED.
Luckily the healthy me seems to winning at the moment but it swaps.
... and yes I am in England haha.. stones and pounds I'm afraid.

Gecko said...

... or should I say I'm English... think I'm also over tired haha. time for bed!

Lose weight fast said...

That supper you ate tonight was perfect. You had protein, a salad, 1/2 cup of rice, was that brown rice? Perfect. You could have perhaps added a 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil to the rice to get in a healthy source of fat.You are already doing resistance training when you began adding weights to your work-outs.Here is the secret about body building that you need to understand and why "their" diet will work for you....80 percent of HOW they look has to do with their nutrition. That means...if they didn't eat that way...they wouldn't look that way no matter how much weight they bench pressed.The diet that I laid out in my blog 14 weesk ago is pretty bare bones and you can add so much to it and switch in different kinds of food. I just ate that way because I was new to that way of eating and it was easier to eat the same way every day than try to think about what I else I could eat.But now that I have been eating this way...I am beginning to look around and eat other kinds of foods. The process of changing your entire diet and the diet for you family to a whole foods, sugar free, white flour free and processed foods free menu takes time and investigation.I have heard that my diet is similar to the South Beach diet. If you go on their website (I have heard but not actually done) you will find many recipe's that will incorporate a high protein diet.Also, because you are not weight lifting as much as I am, your macro nutrients may not need to include as high a percentage of protein as what I take in.If you are really interested in creating a diet based on eating five to six meals a day and making sure each meal has a pre-planned percentage of proteins, carbs, fats...I can perhaps give you some guidance.Other wise...I do think adding a few calories will help. I'm with Deb, I wish all of this could be easy...but it does seem to get complicated. That's why I attended that nutrition class several weeks ago and may be attending another one as well. I'm still making my way through all of this too. In the end, though, I think that in the end, trying to find a way to eat healthy will be worth all the effort involved.

Lose weight quickly said...

If you can be responsible about it, you are allowed to eat something less than healthy once in a blue moon, and not feel horrible about it. If you don't allow yourself a little wiggle room once in a while, you aren't going to stick with it. Be responsible about your health and a little splurge every now and then won't hurt too much. Bring someone with you if you are going to have a desert and take a bite or two to satisfy any cravings, share the rest of the desert so you don't have to eat a whole thing.

Gecko said...

Ye I know I shouldn't be so harsh... and I do enjoy desert now and again.. i just feel so guilty afterwards...
Thanks for all your advise though :)
Gecko x

R. Eductil said...

The main benefit of taking organic vegetable or fruits is there are free from harming chemicals. You know it is save to to eat when you are purchasing organic food. The land have been taken care of. There is generally no pollution of the land and the plant are not sprayed with chemicals.. It is important to know that there wasn't any added chemical for the food you going to put in your mouth,it should be well taking care and all vegetables are growth at organic gardens.Organic gardening carries many benefits that you may not be aware of. Yes it is more expensive that ordinary farm ,the money you spend helps support the organic farm and the retail shop that you are buying from. This is a big deal. It is important to help support them that are striving to keep those food at a high value and protect our health. If you purchase from a grocery store your dollar is being spread out thinly between all those involved.

A. Cai said...

For anyone considering either diet option, there are a number of negatives to consider. First of all, rapid weight loss, such as 1-2 pounds a day, is not recommended. A more healthy and realistic goal is 1-2 pounds per week. In the long run, slow weight loss is more sustainable than is rapid weight loss. Also, research shows that those who limit their caloric intake to 400-800 calories a day gain back the weight they lost within six months. Severe dietary restriction is difficult to follow in the long term.Diets such as these require constant monitoring as the reduction of calories makes the sources of the calories even more essential. The foods ingested must contain the needed vitamins and minerals along with a good ratio of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Just randomly cutting calories can deprive the body of needed nutrients and fuels, especially for those who are also physically active.Restriction can also affect metabolism in a negative way, putting the body into starvation mode and causing it to slow down its metabolism. This may also cause the body to eat away at the protein in lean muscle tissue to fuel its daily processes.

Fat Burning Furnace said...

The fatty acid content in açaí resembles that of olive oil, and is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid is important for a number of reasons. It helps omega-3 fish oils penetrate the cell membrane; together they help make cell membranes more supple.

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