Sunday, 25 April 2010

A donut is less fattening than that salad!

It's amazing how misguided people can be.
I've been at the library this morning and my friend wanted to grab some lunch so I went with him. He doesn't know about my ED etc. but I knew he was trying to lose a few pounds too.
I'd brought my own lunch but we went to the cafe to grab him something. He picked up a salad bowl (believing it was healthy and took it to the till).
I knew from looking that it wouldn't be the low calorie option. It had potato salad, bacon and coleslaw in it.
When I looked at the wrapper it had a whopping 526 calories and 7.8grams of saturated fat, that was a lot more than the huge donut that had been sat on the shelf next to it.
Indeed the salad will have a lot more nutrients and vitamins in it than a donut but still...
who thought I'd see the day when I'd say 'a donut's less fattening than a salad!'

1 comment:

Eating With Others said...

Well it's the hole in the donut, all the calories just run right out.

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