Sunday, 11 April 2010

First Day

Hi everyone!
I've set this blog up after 3 very long years of food ups and downs that I can only describe as a constant battle.
This first post is basically to say hi and let you know about me.
I've set this up in order to help other people that have been in a similar position to me at some stage in their lives or even slightly different ones concerning food, weight,societal constraints on how we "should" look, the media's impace, the desire to look slim and the endless ups and downs of dieting and exercise.
I'm not ashamed of the way I am. I make progress but it can feel like I take one step forward two steps back sometimes in the quest to be content with the way I am
I'd like to be in touch with anyone who lives with or has overcome eating disorders and issues with food and exercise.
It's hard to say 'what' I am. I joined weight watchers in January 2007 and lost 4 stone over 15 months. I'm a healthy size 8-10 and normally weigh about 9st 4lbs and am 5" 7'.
The easy part was losing the weight..... the difficulty came in keeping it off and not only that, but the desire to keep getting slimmer and slimmer.
Over the past 2 years I've been through fazes of not eating at all for a few days, eating and purging, exercising for up to 6 hours and lying about my food.
I hide it well from my family but I find it hard not to bring up my latest attempt at weight loss and how much I hope to lose/how much I have lost.
It all sounds very vain and self obsessed, but sufferers know that it has nothing to do with how much we want to talk about ourselves; It's a cry for help.
After finally finding the courage (thanks to my current boyfriend) to speak to my GP, I'm waiting for a course of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to deal with my distorted body image ( after emailing an advisor from the body dysmorfic foundation.
Fingers crossed I will finally achieve my ambition to be content with the way I am and I want to help others feel the same way :)

1 comment:

Shhh.... said...

Hi, I just found your blog tonight... I haven't found many that discuss both BDD and ED, so I'm really glad I came across yours. :)

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