Sunday, 2 May 2010

A Step at a Time

This past week has been much of the same, revision for exams and keeping an eye on the food I'm eating. However, there has been one big change.

I've started jogging, which I've never done before. At secondary school I was always told I 'couldn't run' and I was 'too fat to run'.
The most I've ever gone is about a mile without stopping. And yet I've spent the last 2 years in the gym building up my fitness and I love it. I can easily spend 2 hours in there working hard.

I can't use the treadmill because it puts too much pressure on my back after a car crash I had a couple of years ago. However, the physio told me I may be ok jogging outside because you're actually moving forwards = less pressure.

So Thursday night I set off jogging avec BF and managed 20 minutes covering 2.5 miles without stopping.
I couldn't believe it and will definitely be doing it on the days I don't go to the gym. It's a new challenge and helps me keep my mind off ED.
Furthermore, I've lost about 3 pounds this week after my disappointing half pound gain last week :)
Soo all seems fairly good atm... if I had to give one piece of advice at the moment it would be..

Take small steps and don't get ahead of yourself, healing takes time... and celebrate every milestone you pass no matter how big or small :)

Gecko x


Eating With Others said...

I'm so happy for you! I'm not able to run yet. I made it about a 1/3 of mile in Jan but then the surgery knocked that back. I'm still working on it.

Glad you enjoy it!

Gecko said...

enjoy is a strong word... still prefer the gym but it's a new challenge to take my mind off my eating :)

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